Monday, December 7, 2009

Love Revolution

To repay evil with love enemies.... LOVE REVOLUTION....

There is a group of rugby boys (rugby is the glue solvent the kids sniff to get high) that are staying in the neighborhood near our Shelter House. These rugby boys get high and then come to our house and throw stones and break our lights outside and steal clothes on the line. We have done everything humanly possible to stop them...called the police, put up barbed wire, put up a live-wire, moved the clothes to the interior...nothing has helped. So........ after coming to our wits end we prayed....we felt that either the Word is true or it's not and we choose to take God at His Word and do good to these next night when the stoning started I went out there introduced myself and told them I wanted to be friends with them and I wanted them to come to our house for lunch the next day. They were all so high but agreed. The next day little by little they started coming around the corner. They were very hesitant and told us they felt ashamed. We told them to come on over we wanted to eat with them. At first they did not want to eat because they thought we were trying to poison them. But when we started eating, they joined. Our landlord came over and burst into a rage, the kids ran, the landlord shouted that he was going to kill them. We had to go mobile and take the lunch to the kids over on the next street away from our crazy out of control landlord. The boys were so happy with us; we talked and shared and learned their names. We are planning to feed them every week now. They came back the next night and shouted. The staff were afraid at first but when the staff went to the window to ask what they wanted and why they wanted to continue doing this....the kids simply asked for us to feed them again. We told them next time. and the boys shouted back, "ok, thank you." and they harm no foul. God is really working in the hearts of these rugby boys. It is His kindness that leads us to repentance. We will no extend our table to these 25-30 boys weekly and by the next time we will also extend the Word of the Lord to them in a
Bible study.

Please pray for the landlord as he has promised by December 7, 2009, he will start killing these rugby boys.

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