Saturday, July 19, 2008


This morning we loaded up 18 street children and 2 street babies in a multicab (utility truck/van, used here in Philippines) and headed off for church. The church we go to is called Beautiful News Fellowship. The kids really love it there. The pastor at BNF has such a heart for street kids, worship, and a heart for Jesus. The church is learning what it means to welcome street kids to church, and the kids are learning what it means to be part of the body of Christ. Every week the kids go with us and every week they participate in worship and respond during the alter call. God is moving in their lives BIG time.

They were so cute as they came to the drop-in center early to take a bath before going to church. For now they understand that we don't have the budget or staff to have feeding twice a day, so they come early just to bathe, then we eat together after church back at the center.

Today I just felt so much joy as I watched them worship and learn about God's love for them. The first Sunday we took them to church, they ran into the church and sort of took it over with their voices and running and taking whatever wasn't nailed down. But, today, one month later, they entered early, not late, and greeted people as they made their way orderly to their seats. They are learning so much.

GO GOD!!!!

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