Saturday, September 13, 2008

Father's Goodness

It's been a bit of time since I let's see....
It's just so true ...GOD IS GOOD. The past month has been difficult and challenging not to mention heart wrenching and frustrating....but even in the midst of in all GOD IS GOOD.

JR has dropped out of school. He recently turned 21 so we did let him know that we legally can handle children 0-18 unless he would choose to continue in school he would not be allowed at the center any longer. We really were hoping that would give him a bit more incentive to remain in school, but it did not. He has dropped. The pull of vices and girls is so strong. Please continue to lift him in pray...God knows him and God knows exactly how and when to penetrate his heart....GOD IS GOOD

The cut hand boy....has not been seen again. This is typical of him though. Sometimes it is weeks and weeks and then he surfaces at the center. Other kids have told us they have seen him and report that he can not bend his wrist at all but has use of his fingers. Still....GOD IS GOOD

There has been recent gang activity in the city which has made ministry to all of our usual kids a bit difficult. They are afraid to pass certain streets in order to go to the center because they have to pass opposing gang turf. We did have the recent opportunity to meet with one gang's leaders and discuss our situation. A few weeks ago a silly childish teasing situation got out of hand and very quickly we had a riot in the center. Gang against gang. They brought pipes and knives and all their anger and aggression. It was quite a scary scene. But God helped our staff handle the moment and everyone was fine. The kids all left and went their own way. As a result of that day, I requested to meet with the gang leaders. They agreed and we met. We discussed issues of respect, kindness, honor, God's love and plans for us, and peace. It ended in prayer, peace and understanding. We hope to continue this kind of meeting and dialog with these gang leaders.... GOD IS GOOD

We have exactly 40 days to watch God perform a miracle and provide the $30,560 needed to purchase the center or be kicked out in the street ourselves. It's an incredible opportunity for us to trust God and taste and see HIS GOODNESS in the life of the ministry. Please pray and stand in faith together with us to see GOD'S GOODNESS!!!

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