Today started out as any other normal day. The kids started showing up to take their bath before heading off to church. Excited for the day, they quickly lined up to take their bath. Today we fed them a little breakfast so they were VERY happy. Then the kids started telling me that one of our boys got his hand cut off last night. I was instantly worried and wanted to go find him. We finished getting ready and headed off to church. The plan was I would take them to church and leave them with our staff and I would go find our hurt boy. I ended up at the provincial hospital but no boy, then i heard from the City Social Welfare office that the boy was treated for a stab wound and released! I went back to the center only to be greeted by another kid reporting that one of our girls was killed last night! I quickly headed off to the morgue to view the body. As I entered, my heart pounding, then really looked like our girl. I held all my emotion and breathing, hoping, praying it was a mistake. I quickly went back to the center to bring our staff back there with me to make sure. I grabbed a photo of our girl to show the officials there. As we entered the place again, I quickly held the photo up. I security quickly jumped up and said, "That's not her, the girl in this photo was just here this morning looking at the girl who was killed". Tears began to fall down my face for the third time in the day. This time tears of joy because our girl is ok; at the same time tears of sadness for the girl who was killed.
Today, I felt the heart beat of The Father. My heart literally felt broken and shattered. The Word tells us how The Shepherd goes out to look for the lost sheep....but what to do when 2 sheep are lost or 100's of sheep are lost or millions of sheep are lost? Oh, how The Father's heart breaks for each one of us and for each one of the children in the streets tonight.
Lamentations 2:19 reminds us...
ARISE, cry out in the night,
As the watches of the night begin;
Pour out your heart like water
In the presence of the Lord.
Lift up your hands to Him
For the lives of your children,
Who faint from hunger
At the head of every street.